MAR | 12 - 14 | 2025

The International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS) is a global organization comprising university and college-affiliated schools (public, private, independent).
Our purpose is to support member schools and collectively advocate for the enhancement of learning experiences for all children.

Our Mission
Driving the advancement of instructional practices and ensuring effective learning for all students by creating a global platform where laboratory schools can connect, collaborate, and contribute.
Defining IALS
The International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS) is a global organization comprising university and college-affiliated schools (public, private, independent) dedicated to pre-service educator training, the dissemination of practice, research and professional inquiry, professional learning, and innovative education. Our purpose is to support member schools and collectively advocate for the enhancement of learning experiences for all children.
Our Vision
We envision a world where every child enjoys learning experiences that prioritize their well-being and development, respect their rights and diverse needs, and position them as active, engaged participants in their education.
The Role of Lab Schools
Laboratory schools have long been dedicated to preparing future educators while providing high-quality instructional programs for children. Affiliated with colleges and universities, these schools serve purposes beyond traditional educational institutions. Over time, they have evolved to meet the diverse needs of teaching professionals, often pioneering advancements in teaching through a blend of research, innovation, and practice.
What We Do
is hosted by member schools for those associated with or interested in learning from laboratory schools including educators, pre-service educators, administrators, researchers, and faculty.
is for laboratory school leaders to come together to support one another through the challenges uniquely facing laboratory schools and grow individual leadership skills.
recognizes exemplary practice and gives member schools an opportunity to reflect on, document, and share their impressive work.
provide educators with small group experiences visiting laboratory schools around the world, to learn from member schools and have in-depth discussions about innovative practices.
An Advisory Board
provides guidance to those interested in establishing new laboratory schools, offering the consultation services of experienced laboratory school leaders.
is published annually and includes articles grounded in evidence-based classroom practices, action research, and theoretically based quantitative and qualitative scholarship. Best practices, educational trends, and theoretical based quantitative and qualitative scholarship found within these pages are intended to extend beyond our respective geographical contexts.
create a virtual meeting space for laboratory school educators to engage deeply with learning about timely topics of interest together, recognizing the value of sharing practices with other educators.
is published monthly for our members, with articles highlighting the wonderful and inspiring work of our IALS community.
provide a vehicle for disseminating IALS members’ research around salient and focussed topics to enhance our collective public purpose, amplifying our individual voices, and increase our reach to the broader educational community.
meetings unite members with a shared interest in conducting research, facilitate the development of expertise in the process of research, and provide a venue for sharing Lab Schools’ inspiring research projects across our community.
are offered for members to fund innovative projects, support research, and assist with collaborative ventures.
provides members with a virtual space to discuss asynchronously issues of interest and to share resources with each other.
Recent News

2024 Outstanding Lab School Award:
Thammasat Secondary School in Thailand
Laboratory schools and university affiliated schools are the flagships of research, professional development, curriculum development, teacher training and educational experimentation. The Outstanding Laboratory School Award gives IALS member schools the opportunity to document and share their impressive work.